Tamar Bridge view of Plymouth in T&J green

Our Pricing

At Thompson & Jackson, we pride ourselves on delivering practical solutions and exceptional levels of client service.

We know how important it is to our clients to have clarity around our pricing, so we always ensure that we are open and transparent about our fees.

We are required by our regulator, the Solicitors Regulation Authority, to set out clearly and concisely our pricing information in certain areas of practice. On the following pages, you will see our indicative pricing for a number of areas where we work with individuals and with businesses, in particular for debt recovery, for residential conveyancing and for probate. On each page, we outline what we will do for you, our expert teams in this area, what the costs are likely to be, and some indicative timings.

In many cases, we need to understand more about your particular situation and what you are looking to achieve, before we can give you a more accurate estimate of the costs and timings. So where we do not have detailed pricing information here about an area of work where you require assistance or advice, please get in touch with any of the key contacts for that area or email us here and we will be happy to discuss your particular matter in more detail. We will then give you a quote for the work and answer questions you have.

Please click one of the areas below for more information about our pricing:

Debt Recovery
Estate Administration
Fixed Fee Probate
Mortgage/Re-mortgage of a Residential Property
Non-Fixed Fee – Estate Administration Service
Purchase of a Residential Property
Sale of a Residential Property