A lot of people are unsure as to whether they or the State should be paying their care fees.
Fees can be funded by the Local Authority or by the National Health Service (NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding) depending upon the situation. The law and regulations surrounding care home funding are very complex and our Plymouth specialist lawyers are able to help guide you through these. We are also able to visit you at your own home/care home if that's easier for you.
Our clients are also often worried about whether they will have to sell their home if they go into care and want to know if they can give their house to their children. We can give you full advice about the pros and cons of giving away your home to your family, and about the interaction between these rules and inheritance tax law. There are various laws which are aimed at stopping people giving away their assets with the intention of getting help in future with their care home fees (Deprivation of Assets), and we can advise you about this.
Often people do not realise that there are certain non means tested benefits that they would be entitled to if they went into care and we can also advise on those.
We are able, amongst other matter, to advise you upon the preparation of wills to assist you in protecting your home and other assets for future generations.
If you would like us to help guide you though the minefield of laws and regulations regarding care home fees, NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding, and gifting your home or other assets then please call our specialist Solicitors for the Elderly accredited lawyers on 01752 665037- we are here to help ease your worries and concerns.